Light code activations for healing
Divine light codes that assist in any and every aspect of our lives...
Service Description
Divine light codes that assist in any and every aspect of our lives including relationships, financial stability, physical health, and mental well-being. ● Antares light codes represent the seed of new consciousness by transmitting the Divine innocence frequency so that we can transcend trauma and pain so that we can see the gift and learn from each experience. (Also support child development and pregnancy). ● Arcturian light codes liberate the human karmic memory (pain, suffering) by cleaning the glandular system, the water that holds each organ, and transforming our limiting belief system so that we can experience the light and love that we are. ● Solar discs synchronize the chakra systems with Source energy by working directly with the vertebrae and spinal fluid by removing stuck emotions, survival instinct and old beliefs. ● Goddess and twin flames light codes balance the disharmony of the femenine and masculine energies, integrating them as one by working with the four elements: air, water, earth and fire. By working with the Goddess Codes you will be connecting from your heart to the core of Mother GAIA and with the beings of nature. Heal the Feminine energy in our DNA, awakening her sacred power through the Heart. Heal in our DNA the consciousness of separation from the Twin Flame.Realign ourselves to the sacredness of Sexuality.Awakening within us the creative energy and the impulse of life. ● Sapphire and turquoise light codes work directly with the nervous system, stabilizing excessive mental activity by bridging the mind with the heart.The Crystal Turquoise System entails a deep liberation and healing of the memories of pain and even of the Atlantean memory and drives us towards the return of the consciousness of Oneness. Through the restitution of our gifts and virtues in connection with the whole. Image translation (from left to right): Code 1: Trespass de veil. Code 2: Flower of cooperation third eye chakra. Code 3: DNA Recoding. Code 4: Trina Flame: Code 5: Discernment Saphire Light code.
Contact Details
Los Angeles, CA, USA